Animation has fascinated us all, right from our childhood. We've imagined creating
Our own series, characters, Storylines and much more. With JM Graphic Animation flagship course
Animation, imaginations can finally become reality. We offer training in a
number of filmmaking techniques that are involved in the animation process, which
help the students acquire skills that make them the best in the field.
Online learning is quickly taking over the education system. With the ever-evolving
animation industry, and technology advancing in leaps and bounds, JM ensures its
Students are always updated with the most relevant tools and technologies of the
industry. By launching new software in its curriculum, all of which is delivered online,
the students get an exciting opportunity to understand the new-age production
workflow and widen their scope of learning.
JM encourages skill enhancement with a standard delivery mechanism and o
hours of online expert sessions. This way, one can be assured of a healthy and
well-balanced learning system.